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Joan Martín-Royo, Ruben Fernandez Aguirre - Pedrell Songs (2024)

Posted By: ciklon5
Joan Martín-Royo, Ruben Fernandez Aguirre - Pedrell Songs (2024)

Joan Martín-Royo, Ruben Fernandez Aguirre - Pedrell Songs (2024)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless | 2:19:13 | 380 Mb
Genre: Classical

On the 20th of August 2022, the centenary of the passing of Felipe Pedrell transpired—an occasion marking the solemn remembrance of the esteemed progenitor of Spanish musical nationalism. The catalogue of musical compositions by Pedrell, established in 1977, comprises a total of 231 titles. In the catalogue of his works, there is a notable emphasis on his interest in art song with accompaniment, serving as the foundation for his musical creations and a key element in his nationalist ideology. His initial compositions for voice and piano date back to 1857, where he endeavours to distance himself from the prevailing trends in Spanish music during his era and align with European musical styles. In this CD, performed by Joan Martín-Royo and Rubén Fernández Aguirre, we can appreciate the enormous quality of Pedrell’s compositions, marked by enormous contrast, the voice and piano accompaniment are superbly treated, and some songs exhibit exotic influences (Arab), at times mysterious and at others romantic. Undoubtedly, a work worthy of being among the most important lyrical repertoire.

Maria Espada, Manuel Minguillón, Guillermo Turina, Daniel Garay, Collegium Musicum Madrid - Dicen que hay amor (2023)

Posted By: ciklon5
Maria Espada, Manuel Minguillón, Guillermo Turina, Daniel Garay, Collegium Musicum Madrid - Dicen que hay amor (2023)

Maria Espada, Manuel Minguillón, Guillermo Turina, Daniel Garay, Collegium Musicum Madrid - Dicen que hay amor (2023)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless / MP3 320 kbps | 1:03:33 | 147 / 258 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: IBS Classical

Espada's soprano talent has taken her to Teatro Real, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, and Auditorio Nacional and to performances with Bonizzoni, Brüggen, and Casas.

Pablo Suarez Calero - Bach Complete Violin Sonatas & Partitas (2023)

Posted By: ciklon5
Pablo Suarez Calero - Bach Complete Violin Sonatas & Partitas (2023)

Pablo Suarez Calero - Bach Complete Violin Sonatas & Partitas (2023)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless / MP3 320 kbps | 2:21:00 | 323 / 731 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: IBS Classical

Performer Pablo Suárez Calero, Composer Johann Sebastian Bach in Album "Bach Complete Violin Sonatas & Partitas" released in label IBS Artist 04-20-2023.

Soledad Cardoso, Quimey Urquiaga - Argentina Songs (2023)

Posted By: ciklon5
Soledad Cardoso, Quimey Urquiaga - Argentina Songs (2023)

Soledad Cardoso, Quimey Urquiaga - Argentina Songs (2023)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless / MP3 320 kbps | 1:01:18 | 244 / 141 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: IBS Classical

Im Laufe der argentinischen Kulturgeschichte wurden Musik und Literatur bei zahlreichen Gelegenheiten harmonisch miteinander verbunden. Ein breites Repertoire an Vokalkompositionen wurde im Format des Kammergesangs mit Klavier gestaltet und trug so zur Bildung von Identitäten bei - national, regional, lokal - und stärkte die Beziehung zwischen Kultur und Gesellschaft.

Anna Urpina, Eva del Campo, Alberto Rosado - Baroque Modern (2022)

Posted By: ciklon5
Anna Urpina, Eva del Campo, Alberto Rosado - Baroque Modern (2022)

Anna Urpina, Eva del Campo, Alberto Rosado - Baroque Modern (2022)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless | 53:03 | 262 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: IBS Classical

This album allows us to appreciate the versatility of the young artist Anna Urpina, whose goal was to approach each score from a historically informed perspective.

David Antich & Mediterrània Consort - Handel: Complete Recorder Sonatas (2022)

Posted By: ciklon5
David Antich & Mediterrània Consort - Handel: Complete Recorder Sonatas (2022)

David Antich & Mediterrània Consort - Handel: Complete Recorder Sonatas (2022)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless | 1:00:19 | 320 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: IBS Classical

Modern performance of the Complete Recorder Sontas of Händel by the especialist David Antich and the famous Spanish ensemble MEDITERRÀNIA CONSORT. This recording of the complete Handel’s recorder sonatas is characterized by a newfangled, Mediterranean and daring reading; an exuberant continuo and improvised ornamentation are common elements in the all sonatas. Mediterrània Consort bases its performance on the constant search for the implicit affetti in this great work by the German composer.

Conductus Ensemble & Andoni Sierra - Membra Jesu nostri (2022)

Posted By: ciklon5
Conductus Ensemble & Andoni Sierra - Membra Jesu nostri (2022)

Conductus Ensemble & Andoni Sierra - Membra Jesu nostri (2022)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless | 63:55 | 301 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: IBS Classical

Music of spiritual edification, music of mystical inspiration -almost an exercise in contemplation or adoration- that, following the words that the composer himself writes on the cover of the manuscript of the score, must be sung with the humblest devotion, wholeheartedly. (“humble Totius Cordis Devotione decantata”). In 1680 Buxtehude composes the cycle entitled Membra Jesu nostri, when Bach was not yet born. It was still almost 45 years before he wrote the first of two of his known passions, the St. John Passion. But with the composition of that music sheet, Buxtehude marks a before and after in the repertoire of music related to the Passion of Christ.

Rubén Fernández Aguirre, David Alegret - Carneriana (2022)

Posted By: ciklon5
Rubén Fernández Aguirre, David Alegret - Carneriana (2022)

Rubén Fernández Aguirre, David Alegret - Carneriana (2022)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless | 1:56:42 | 444 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: IBS Classical

In the fifty songs we find in Carneriana, so carefully interpreted, David Alegret invites us dive into a poetic and musical universe that reveres life, that celebrates existence, and that expresses the beauty in the world look for sonorities, contrasts, and harmonies that can be reflected in song. What better answer than Carner’s poetry, Alegret’s placid, rigorous singing, and Fernández Aguirre’s wise pianism. And yet, the tenor and pianist did not settle for the more or less typical and predictable formulas, such as the Carnerian songs by Toldrà (which already play their own integral part), but also with living authors, to whom ad hoc compositions were requested for the production of this record. The music gathered in this album, which sings Carner’s poetry, allows us to be free and to be masters of ourselves and our time.

Alejandro Algarra - Chopin & Rachmaninoff꞉ Complete Preludes (2022)

Posted By: ciklon5
Alejandro Algarra - Chopin & Rachmaninoff꞉ Complete Preludes (2022)

Alejandro Algarra - Chopin & Rachmaninoff꞉ Complete Preludes (2022)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless | 2:08:56 | 433 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: IBS Classical

Señalado por la crítica como uno de los principales jóvenes talentos del panorama nacional español, el pianista Alejandro Algarra desarrolla una prolífica carrera como concertista, siendo habitual invitado de festivales, concursos, cursos y certámenes pianísticos de relevancia, nacionales e internacionales.Ha sido galardonado en concursos entre los que destacan el Concurso de Piano “Ciudad de Albacete”, el Concurso Internacional de Piano “Ria de Vigo”, el Premi “Amparo Fandos” de Torrent, el Concurso Internacional de Piano “Frechilla-Zuloaga”, el Barcelona Piano Academy, o el Concurso Internacional de Piano de Ibiza.Acaba de lanzar su trabajo discográfico “Chopin-Rachmaninov, Complete Preludes” con la prestigiosa productora discográfica IBS Classical. Es catedrático de Piano en el Real Conservatorio Superior de Música “Victoria Eugenia” de Granada.

Rafael Muñoz-Torrero - Palatín: Violin Works (2022)

Posted By: ciklon5
Rafael Muñoz-Torrero - Palatín: Violin Works (2022)

Rafael Muñoz-Torrero - Palatín: Violin Works (2022)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless | 1:08:10 | 302 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: IBS Classical

Palatín belonged to a musical line that dates back to the 18th century and among whose members we find, for example, the creator of the first Spanish musical dictionary. He was born in 1852 in Seville (Spain). From a young age he showed great musical talent and mastery of the violin, so it was considered when he was only 12 years old, that he should continue his studies in what was then the best place to study violin, The Imperial Conservatory of Paris. There, he would study with Jose White and with Jean-Delphin Alard, Pablo Sarasate´s teacher. This would be possible thanks to a scholarship granted by the Excelentísima Diputación de Seville after having won the relevant competition. His compositions include 29 pieces for violin and piano, a concerto for violin and orchestra which is only the second Spanish Romantic concerto for violin as well as works for orchestra, choir, chamber music or solo piano adding up to a total of 89 works.

Maria Toledo, Bilbao Sinfonietta, Iker Sánchez Silva, Francisco Dominguez - Falla 1915 (2022)

Posted By: ciklon5
Maria Toledo, Bilbao Sinfonietta, Iker Sánchez Silva, Francisco Dominguez - Falla 1915 (2022)

Maria Toledo, Bilbao Sinfonietta, Iker Sánchez Silva, Francisco Dominguez - Falla 1915 (2022)
FLAC tracks | 49:47 | 220 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: IBS Classical

The album Falla 1915 offers us the opportuni- ty to experience a composer reborn through two of his masterpieces. In Siete canciones populares españolas, the orchestral imagination of composer Francisco Domínguez enriches the original piano accompaniment without losing any folkloric substance. The first version of El amor brujo rediscovers a title that was created to be much more jondo [deeper], rawer and with more gypsy soul than the ballet it later became. Passion and spirit, sensuality and colour come to- gether to highlight what Falla loved and de- fended most: the preservation of our memory and our cultural heritage.

Jonathan Mesonero - Trascendo (2021)

Posted By: ciklon5
Jonathan Mesonero - Trascendo (2021)

Jonathan Mesonero - Trascendo (2021)
FLAC tracks | 01:00:26 | 310 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: IBS Classical

Trascendo is a thrilling journey through that unknown dimension that blurs the contours of pain and then, guided by a wonderful repertoire for violin solo, heaven and earth come closer. The violinist composers who wrote the four intense, vibrant masterpieces of Trascendo give us their immense talent to show that beyond life there is music. Jonathan Mesonero gives us much more than a virtuous and masterful performance. Few musicians have the gift not to read, but to breathe the score, physically and mentally. He breathes the notes as if they were oxygen that sometimes enters lightly while some other times it is so pure it even hurts. He processes the bars in his bloodstream by sending them to each nerve ending until he becomes one with his violin to transform those notes into sounds full of magic. Listening to him means feeling. Is it not feeling, feeling intensely, what we all look for in music? In a time driven by flat images of perfect unreality, Trascendo is a tribute to our imperfect humanity, to our condition as mere mortals who sometimes are able to sublimate feelings until they become a pulse of the soul that is able to break through the barriers of this world.

Josep María Martí Duran - Tantalo: Baroque bel canto (2021)

Posted By: ciklon5
Josep María Martí Duran - Tantalo: Baroque bel canto (2021)

Josep María Martí Duran - Tantalo: Baroque bel canto (2021)
FLAC tracks | 61:26 | 232 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: IBS Classical

Imitar col canto chi parla' ('imitating in song one who speaks'): that ideal, expressed by Jacopo Peri in the preface to his setting of Euridice, heralded a veritable revolution in vocal music, beginning with the experiments, towards the end of the sixteenth century, of the Florentine Camerata – a group of intellectuals and musicians led by Count Giovanni de’ Bardi, who aimed to revive the glorious art of ancient Greek tragedy. According to written accounts, the latter was sung, or spoken, in such a way that the words, while remaining intelligible at all times, were emotionally heightened. The members of the Camerata wished thus to break with the polyphonic madrigal tradition of the Renaissance and turn to accompanied monody, recitar cantando, thereby returning to the pre-eminence of the word as the means of conveying human emotions, with the music, henceforth subordinate to speech, serving to magnify and amplify it.

José Manuel Díaz, Marifé Nogales, Mikeldi Atxalandabaso, Miren Urbieta-Vega - Colin: Maitena (Excerpts) (2021)

Posted By: ciklon5
José Manuel Díaz, Marifé Nogales, Mikeldi Atxalandabaso, Miren Urbieta-Vega - Colin: Maitena (Excerpts) (2021)

José Manuel Díaz, Marifé Nogales, Mikeldi Atxalandabaso, Miren Urbieta-Vega - Colin: Maitena (Excerpts) (2021)
FLAC tracks | 01:38:02 | 457 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: IBS Classical

Maitena (1909) was a further step towards achieving the ideal of Basque opera linked to that of its own lyric theatre. For the critic and musicographer Francisco Gascue: “Colin has written a score that is as far from Wagnerian complications as it is from orchestral poverty; it is accessible without being poor or rudimentary. Colin has shown the same exquisite taste in the handling of the orchestra as in the choice of melodies”. He also singles out the duet between Domingo and Maitena at the beginning of Act I, the tenor and baritone duet that follows, the quartet in Scene VI, the melody sung by Chaadiñ at the beginning of Act II, Batista’s couplets and for its effect and simplicity the Angelus scene. He ends by noting the appropriate treatment of the chorus. The action tells the story of the rich farmer Piarres Landaburu, Maitena’s father, and his intention to marry her off to Ganich, a young man from a good family, rather than to an unfortunate pelotari named Domingo. Maitena, contrary to her father, marries Domingo and goes to America in search of a new life. After being widowed in Buenos Aires, she returns to her father’s home where she finds only repudiation. Maitena moves away, but her father welcomes her back into his home, favouring her marriage to Ganich and thus returning the family to live together again.

Ernest Martinez Izquierdo, Bilbao Symphony Orchestra, Inaki Alberdi - Luis de Pablo: Amicitia & Other Works (2021)

Posted By: ciklon5
Ernest Martinez Izquierdo, Bilbao Symphony Orchestra, Inaki Alberdi - Luis de Pablo: Amicitia & Other Works (2021)

Ernest Martinez Izquierdo, Bilbao Symphony Orchestra, Inaki Alberdi - Luis de Pablo: Amicitia & Other Works (2021)
FLAC tracks | 56:05 | 258 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: IBS Classical

Luis de Pablo’s compositional output is tremendously attractive – for accordionists as well – in view of its outstanding originality and quality. It is also entirely different from the remaining contemporary repertoire for accordion: de Pablo’s particularly expressive musical vocabulary is perfectly tuned to the dynamic capacities of the accordion bellows, as well as to the instrument’s wide range of sonorities and extended performance options. We all agreed that an original work by a great master such as Luis de Pablo would make a valuable contribution to accordion repertoire. Amicitia calls for immense orchestral forces: fourfold woodwinds, four horns and four trumpets, three trombones and a tuba plus harp, celesta, timpani, four percussionists, and a complete lineup of strings. In spite of this vast scoring, Luis de Pablo employs the forces at his disposal with great subtlety, particularly vis-à-vis the accordion. Iñaki Alberdi has collaborated closely with different current composers, and premiered work by Sofia Gubaidulina, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Luis de Pablo, Joan Guinjoan, Gabriel Erkoreka, Ramon Lazkano, Jesús Torres, Agustín Charles and José María Sánchez-Verdú.