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Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano - Monteverdi: Madrigali, Libri primo e nono (2023)

Posted By: ciklon5
Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano - Monteverdi: Madrigali, Libri primo e nono (2023)

Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano - Monteverdi: Madrigali, Libri primo e nono (2023)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless / MP3 320 kbps | 1:19:02 | 182 / 352 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: naïve

Conductor and harpsichordist Rinaldo Alessandrini is an innovative interpreter of Italian Baroque opera and instrumental music. As the director of his own ensemble, Concerto Italiano, he has brought dramatic, opera-influenced readings to a variety of Baroque works from Italy and beyond. Alessandrini was born in Rome on January 25, 1960. He was relatively late in beginning his musical studies, taking up the piano at age 14. Four years later, he discovered the harpsichord and traveled to the Netherlands for lessons with Ton Koopman at the Sweelinck Conservatory in Amsterdam. He was soon giving concerts on the harpsichord. Alessandrini founded Concerto Italiano in 1984. He also played the organ, and his first recording, a performance of Girolamo Frescobaldi's Fiori Musicali collection, was on that instrument.

Tzimon Barto - Bach, The Well (The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II) (2023)

Posted By: ciklon5
Tzimon Barto - Bach, The Well (The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II) (2023)

Tzimon Barto - Bach, The Well (The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II) (2023)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless / MP3 320 kbps | 3:01:30 | 428 / 418 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: naïve

The American pianist Tzimon Barto offers up his own vision of Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier: forty-eight preludes and fugues rising through all the keys and resounding from the inside with their counterpoint, full of nuance and poetry.

Baptiste Trotignon, Greg Hutchinson, Matt Penmann - Brexit Music (2023)

Posted By: ciklon5
Baptiste Trotignon, Greg Hutchinson, Matt Penmann - Brexit Music (2023)

Baptiste Trotignon, Greg Hutchinson, Matt Penmann - Brexit Music (2023)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless | 53:12 | 291 Mb
Genre: Jazz / Label: naïve

A sophisticated, exploratory jazz pianist, France's Baptiste Trotignon is a highly regarded performer known for his harmonically inventive style. Trotignon emerged to acclaim with 2000's Django d'Or Prize-winning Fluide and 2001's Sightseeing. He has moved ably between solo piano albums like 2003's Solo and small group dates, including 2005's Trintigon-El-Malek with saxophonist David El-Malek and 2009's Share with trumpeter Tom Harrell and saxophonist Mark Turner.

Raquel Camarinha, Yoan Héreau - Life Story (2023)

Posted By: ciklon5
Raquel Camarinha, Yoan Héreau - Life Story (2023)

Raquel Camarinha, Yoan Héreau - Life Story (2023)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless | 71:41 | 203 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: naïve

In this new album, the Portuguese soprano Raquel Camarinha and the French pianist Yoan Héreau explore a rich variety of musical and poetic genres: ‘Life Story’ is a series of life stories with works that echo them down through the centuries, in different languages, that analyses a whole range of feelings of love.The album owes its title to the text by Tennessee Williams, which also gave its name to opus 8 composed in 1993 by Thomas Adès, music with powerful expressivity, followed by Debussy’s Baudelaire cycle. In addition to the pleasure of hearing the soprano sing in her mother tongue: A criança em ruínas (A child in ruins), composed by Benjamin Attahir to the words of the author José Luís Peixoto, commissioned by the Festival Messiaen au Pays de la Meije in 2019, introduces a heartrending cry.

Zlata Chochieva - Im Freien (2023)

Posted By: ciklon5
Zlata Chochieva - Im Freien (2023)

Zlata Chochieva - Im Freien (2023)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless / MP3 320 kbps | 1:29:06 | 204 / 240 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: naïve

For her second album with naïve, Zlata Chochieva has chosen a magnificent, audacious programme, associating Schumann, Ravel, Liszt and Bartók with the lesser known Draeseke and Schulz-Evler.Sensitive to nature and to the emotions it inspires, the Russian pianist Zlata Chochieva has conceived this very personal album as a patchwork, sometimes inward-looking, landscape with changing skies.“A recorded programme is not a concert programme, but I also wanted to tell a story, propose a whole tapestry of emotions, open different perspectives,” she confides.

Jean-Paul Gasparian - Debussy (2023)

Posted By: ciklon5
Jean-Paul Gasparian - Debussy (2023)

Jean-Paul Gasparian - Debussy (2023)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless / MP3 320 kbps | 1:07:53 | 200 / 155 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: naïve

The French pianist Jean-Paul Gasparian has chosen Debussy for his first album with naïve, an album full of sensitivity and colour, including the first ever recording of the transcription of the Rondes de printemps.With this album devoted solely to Debussy, Jean-Paul Gasparian invites listeners to integrate the atmospheres, colours and timbres that make up Debussy’s world. “The piano, here,” he says, “is a tool that lets your imagination wander, a machine that creates perceptions. Like a sort of stationary journey.”

Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano - Giovanni Legrenzi: Mottetti (2023)

Posted By: ciklon5
Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano - Giovanni Legrenzi: Mottetti (2023)

Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano - Giovanni Legrenzi: Mottetti (2023)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless / MP3 320 kbps | 1:13:08 | 326 / 167 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: naïve

Rinaldo Alessandrini et son Concerto Italiano dédient leur nouvel album aux motets de Giovanni Legrenzi (1626-1690). Un compositeur très influent au seicento, figure de référence au lendemain de son siècle par-delà les Alpes, aujourd’hui à redécouvrir.Le nom de Giovanni Legrenzi, quasi contemporain de Carissimi et Lully, est aujourd’hui peu connu. Sa réputation dépassa pourtant largement, en son temps et après, les murs de Saint-Marc de Venise, où il officia de 1685 à sa mort : il compte parmi ses nombreux élèves Lotti, Caldara et Vivaldi, se voit emprunter des thèmes par Bach et Haendel, et s’exerce dans tous les genres musicaux, instrumentaux et vocaux, profanes et sacrés. C’est parmi les quatre publications consacrées de son vivant au motet que Rinaldo Alessandrini a puisé les pièces de ce nouveau programme.

Tzimon Barto - Bach: The Well (The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I) (2023)

Posted By: ciklon5
Tzimon Barto - Bach: The Well (The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I) (2023)

Tzimon Barto - Bach: The Well (The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I) (2023)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless / MP3 320 kbps | 2:44:55 | 379 / 376 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: naïve

zimon Barto is one of those rare musicians to have established a notable parallel career in another artistic field: along with achieving great success as a concert pianist, he has drawn acclaim for his first book, A lady of Greek origin, a work of 28 poems, all of disparate style. To say Barto's intellect is rare would be an understatement: he speaks five languages; reads ancient Greek, Hebrew, and Latin; and is a scholar of literature, philosophy, natural science and the Bible. Barto's piano repertory is broad, encompassing works by Bach, Rameau, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Gershwin, de Falla, Joplin, and many others.

Yeol Eum Son - Mozart: Complete Piano Sonatas (2023)

Posted By: ciklon5
Yeol Eum Son - Mozart: Complete Piano Sonatas (2023)

Yeol Eum Son - Mozart: Complete Piano Sonatas (2023)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless / MP3 320 kbps | 6:23:32 | 874 Mb / 1,3 Gb
Genre: Classical / Label: naïve

Yeol Eum Son immerses herself in the limitless whimsical imagination of Mozart’s sonatas, and with this complete collection takes us on a voyage in a land of contrasts.Yeol Eum Son has always been drawn to Mozart’s style, in her heart and in her fingers, and maintains a special relationship with his music. She likes to translate from this language, which she considers her mother tongue, the incredible ability to express different worlds, atmospheres and feeling.

Ismaël Margain - Fauré, Chopin: Impromptus (2023)

Posted By: ciklon5
Ismaël Margain - Fauré, Chopin: Impromptus (2023)

Ismaël Margain - Fauré, Chopin: Impromptus (2023)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless | 59:15 | 165 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: naïve

The French pianist Ismaël Margain, newly signed up with naïve, creates a sensitive and meaningful juxtaposition of two major composers of piano repertoire, Frédéric Chopin and Gabriel Fauré. In spite of its title, this first album by the French pianist recorded under the naïve label is anything but improvised: Ismaël Margain cleverly structures the meeting between two piano geniuses, Frédéric Chopin and Gabriel Fauré, highlighting an “obvious kinship between their styles and in their inspiration,” without confusing or misrepresenting their uniqueness. The impromptu form, common to both composers – four for the first, six for the second –, is the starting point for this logical comparison, organising diversity of atmosphere around similar tonalities.

Hopkinson Smith - Bright & Early (2023)

Posted By: ciklon5
Hopkinson Smith - Bright & Early (2023)

Hopkinson Smith - Bright & Early (2023)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless | 64:34 | 241 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: naïve

The “supreme poet of the lute” (Gramophone), Hopkinson Smith creates a subtle, intimate dialogue between Dalza and Spinacino, witnesses of the instrument’s flourishing culture in Italy at the dawn of the 16th Century.

Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano - Monteverdi: Concerto. Settimo libro de' madrigali (2022)

Posted By: ciklon5
Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano - Monteverdi: Concerto. Settimo libro de' madrigali (2022)

Rinaldo Alessandrini, Concerto Italiano - Monteverdi: Concerto. Settimo libro de' madrigali (2022)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless | 2:12:05 | 619 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: naïve

With this recording of Book VII of Claudio Monteverdi’s Madrigals (1619, Venice), Rinaldo Alessandrini and his Concerto Italiano devote themselves to a love theme with a very pastoral edge the composer particularly savoured.
The Italian harpsichordist and conductor once again offers us a collection of Monteverdi madrigals of the highest quality, in which the poems not only lead the singing, but also determine the arrangement of the madrigals by poet. Inspired by "the hitherto unpublished stamp of a literary intention" indicated by the composer at the start of the collection, Rinaldo Alessandrini and his ensemble, accustomed to enlightening dramatics, offer a sparkling polyphony varying from one to six voices, in a wide range of pitches.

Julien Chauvin, Le Concert de la Loge - Vivaldi: Concerti per violino X 'Intorno a Pisendel' (2022)

Posted By: ciklon5
Julien Chauvin, Le Concert de la Loge - Vivaldi: Concerti per violino X 'Intorno a Pisendel' (2022)

Julien Chauvin, Le Concert de la Loge - Vivaldi: Concerti per violino X 'Intorno a Pisendel' (2022)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless | 60:04 | 346 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: naïve

This tenth volume of violin concertos marks the return of Julien Chauvin and his Concert de la Loge to the Vivaldi Edition, with works linked to Pisendel, a major musical figure in the court of Dresden in the 18th century. Julien Chauvin and his Concert de la Loge released a hugely successful volume of Vivaldi concertos with a theatrical theme in 2020.

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Mendelssohn (2022)

Posted By: ciklon5
Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Mendelssohn (2022)

Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante - Mendelssohn (2022)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless | 62:21 | 290 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: naïve

Europa Galante has recorded Mendelssohn under Biondi's direction! The program includes works written by Mendelssohn between the ages of 11 and 18.

Zlata Chochieva - Chiaroscuro (2022)

Posted By: ciklon5
Zlata Chochieva - Chiaroscuro (2022)

Zlata Chochieva - Chiaroscuro (2022)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless | 1:21:50 | 223 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: aïve

Scriabin and Mozart: two composers rarely associated, yet the juxtaposition here seems clear when performed by Zlata Chochieva. In this first naive classique lbum, the Russian pianist is ingenious in both the cycles of fragmented variations and the more opulent sonatas or preludes. This project is inspired by the 150th anniversary of Scriabin’s birth, but Zlata Chochieva has been a fan of the Russian composer since her childhood as he was the first to appeal to her emotions as a listener and performer.Associating him with the classical Mozart - rather than a romantic composer, as is usually the case - enables Zlata Chochieva to conjure up an unexpected kinship that benefits from her vibrant and graceful style, rising to thrilling virtuosity. “The perfection in the phrasing, the polyphony and the formal proportions, plus the concision and the lack of superfluous notes are just some of the points that link Scriabin to Mozart", she explains.